NE呈现: @Mono House 1月27日 周六 3ASiC w/Dirty K、Diamond

2018年1月27日 ,NE呈现: @Mono House 1月27日 周六 3ASiC w/Dirty K、Diamond lil、JennY X在 Mono House 精彩上演。



Mono House



Diamond lil、3ASiC、Jenny X、Dirty K






Nanking Electro在过去的五年内,给南京的观众带去了许多难忘的夜晚,也同时给本地俱乐部音乐场景带来了非常多新的理念,团队常驻成员 3ASiC、Dirty K、Diamond Lil 也在各自的音乐领域崭露头角。

经过数月的等待,3ASiC再次从遥远的荷兰归来,近一年他的音乐制造了相当多的话题,当然除了与说唱歌手Jony J合作的《套路》在国内风靡一时以外,他在每年十月,整个世界都在关注的阿姆斯特跳舞大会 ADE(Amsterdam Dance Festival)中崭露头角,得到了国外乐迷的青睐以及国际知名音乐人的认可。

他预计今年上半年即将发行自己的个人新EP,  并且在本次派对当晚,他将会播放许多自己未发行的音乐。届时,如果你亲临现场,你将会成为第一批听到他新EP音乐的观众。同时在当晚你也能够体验到他最新的视觉作品。

此外,在南京开启音乐生涯的Dirty K 与Diamond Lil现已经扎根上海场景,他们的作品分别在国内优秀的电子音乐厂牌Genome 6.66Mbp、Ran Groove 发行,在国内最为具有影响力的地下俱乐部中比如All、Elevator 你都能经常看到他们的身影。当晚他们会将自己厂牌的音乐带给大家。于此同时我们本次邀请到了Jenny X作为同场支持,且当天还会有神秘嘉宾做客,风格各异的音乐比如Techno、Club Trax、Grime、Jungle、Footwork等都会出现在当晚的各个时段。



Diamond lil

(Nanking Electro/Ran Groove)

Dirty K

(Nanking Electro/Genome 6.66Mbp)


(Nanking Electro/Project Sync)

Jenny X

地址: 南京市鼓楼区五台山 1-6 号 健身会馆1F

( 近永庆巷 )

售票:60RMB 预售:40RMB

Line Up:



3ASiC 是来自南京的 90 后电子音乐制作人,目前长居荷兰学习声音设计与音乐制作。自 2013 年开始,先后创立了派对组织 Nanking Electro 和音乐厂牌 Project Sync,活跃地参与到中国地下电子音乐场景中,他还曾出演了科普类音乐纪录片《音乐的秘密》。他的表演遍布了各个音乐节和全国各地的地下俱乐部,他的作品曾被国内、外多家音乐平台支持,2015 年发行的曲目《Jelly》被著名的 Bass 类 YouTube音乐频道 Bass City 推荐,Soi Music 将他评为 2017 年亚洲最值得听的制作人之一。他近期的未发行作品受到了英国知名低音组合 Ivy Lab 的厂牌 20/20 LDN 的青睐,就连王牌 Bass Music 组合 Noisia 都在他们的电台 Noisia Radio 中播放了 3ASiC 的未发布单曲并大加赞扬。除了进行声音艺术的实验与创新,他还将触手伸及视觉艺术,新的一年除了最特别、最生猛的声音以外,他还将为你送上具有其强烈个人风格的视觉艺术体验。

3ASiC, an electronic music producer from Nanjing, now residents in the Netherlands. Having founded party organisation Nanking Electro and music label Project Sync, he participated actively into underground music scene in China since 2013 and have achieved great success in his home country China. Not only giving special show in many cities’ underground clubs in every part of China, but also becoming a regular guest of music festivals, and he also has lot of experience supporting international artists. He has been supported by varying music websites and platforms, "Jelly" released in 2015 was supported by the most famous international bass music Youtube Channel - Bass City;he was also recommended by SOI Music as the most Top 10 must-listen Asian producers. Famous British trio Ivy Lab showed their interests in 3ASiC’s track, even the most distinctive and powerful Bass Music Artists Noisia also played 3ASiC’s unreleased demo in their radio with positive reviews.

Currently he’s trying to make a next step, not only in China, but also to show his talent to more people who unaware. Apart from Sound Arts, he is now working on an unprecedented Art performance which combines Sound and Visual.

Diamond Lil

Diamond Lil

现居上海的Diamond Lil是一名独立音乐制作人和DJ。她善于在多种音乐风格之间变换,游刃有余,尤其对Disco和芝加哥Chicago House 有深刻的理解。音乐制作中则偏爱随意慵懒downtempo和旋律感强的氛围乐,更不缺乏能为舞池助力的4/4拍舞曲。2016 年开始在中国最大的独立电子音乐厂牌“燃音乐”发行数首单曲,收获众多资深乐迷和圈内人士的认可。除了在上海本地的音乐场景中有她活跃的身影,也开始在草莓音乐节、MTA 天漠音乐节,混凝草音乐节上崭露头角。最近助力于上海先锋电子厂牌 Co: Motion。个人的音乐计划之外,她近期也分别受邀为独立唱作人 DaBozz 大包子、和台湾音乐人邱比制作新专辑歌曲;跨界为Hiphop 音乐人小老虎制作 Remix。

Diamond Lil is an electronic music producer and DJ from Ningxia who began her music career in Nanjing and based in Shanghai now.Behind the decks, she moves rooms with tight blends of disco- and Chicago-influenced house, combining deep melodies with a real sense of swing.  As a producer she writes music ranging from downtempo and melodic ambient to more groove-based dancefloor material.Signed to Beijing's Ran Groove label(alongside acts like h_w_a, Knopha),Diamond is also a new resident of club Elevator with the Co: Motion crew in Shanghai.  

Dirty K

Dirty K

来自南京的制作人Dirty K ,同时也是上海先锋俱乐部音乐厂牌Genome 6.66Mbp中的活跃分子,年纪轻轻我们已经能经常在很多地方看到他的名字。不断吸收先锋俱乐部音乐与前卫理念的他成长讯速,作品得到了像Endgame、Mobile Girl、Flora、Slackk等国际知名制作人的支持,并在Rinse FM、Radar Radio、NTS Radio等电台播放。也在Genome呈现的Dinamarca、Murlo、Organ Tapes等派对中作为嘉宾表现出色获得好评。他6月于ALL Club结束了自己的EP发行派对后,又受邀做客英国Radar radio还为 The Levels Are Very High 制作了非常高质量的Guest Mix,单曲《Pyroclasm》可谓今年国内俱乐部音乐场景中的“国歌”,无数次从国际嘉宾中的现场或者电台中播出。

Dirty K is an electronic producer from Nanjing, also an active member of Genome Shanghai. This young talented musician has developed his career very fast through absorbing concept and sense from cutting-edge club music. He achieved support from many international producers like Endgame, Mobile Girl, Flora, and Slackk; his tracks were played in Rinse FM, Radar Radio, NTS Radio.

JennY X

JennY X


Starting off with mixing vinyl, Nanjing based JennY X moved the crowds of Nanjing's clubs with funky and jazzy tunes, crossing genres since 2008. Her experience and love for the music are the heartbeat behind her unique deep and tech house vibes.Everybody who experiences her can feel the way she runs on pure emotion. her presence is enlightening as she bestows the power of her tunes onto the crowds.
