
2018年9月26日 9:00 至 2018年9月27日 18:00 ,Broaders在 南京·南京绿地洲际酒店·鼓楼区中央路1号举办《2018第三届亚洲危险废弃物处置大会》,会议大约有300人参加。




第三届亚洲危险废弃物处置大会2018(Asia Hazardous Waste Treatment Congress 2018)是中国以及整个亚洲地区最早、最专业、最高端、最务实、最国际化、最具影响力的危险废弃物处置活动,也是最早关注水泥窑协同处置危险废弃物的活动。前两届于上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店成功举办,吸引了超过500多名来自国内外的嘉宾参与。今年第三届亚洲危险废弃物处置大会2018首次进入江苏南京,将于9月26-27日在中国南京召开。本次会议将聚集来自中国和其他亚洲地区的政府,化工园区,危险废弃物产生企业(石油、化工、农药、制药、电力等行业企业代表),危废处置运营商,工程公司,危废处置技术、设备、材料供应商,危废焚烧烟气治理企业,投资金融机构,法律顾问,危废行业专家学者等共同探讨危险废弃物处置现状及需求,市场未来发展方向,国内外先进处置技术等。会议上将有众多研究和实例分享,旨在建立危废产生企业与处置企业的纽带,搭建信息共享平台,化解供需矛盾,畅想工业危废安全环保零排放。

Asia Hazardous Waste Treatment Congress 2018 Event Background

Illegal transfer and dumping hazardous waste occured frequently in many places recently,because environmental supervision has been continuously strengthened and environmental taxes have been collected. Some companies transfer hazardous waste illegally quietly to avoid punishment and reduce costs,in addition,the capacity of hazardous waste treatment is insufficient, the construction of local hazardous waste disposal capacity needs to be strengthened.

China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) launched a targeted crackdown on solid waste pollution following frequent cases of the illegal disposal of harmful materials in several regions. From May 9 to the end of June, the MEE will send 150 teams to regions in the Yangtze River economic belt to inspect the illegal discharge of solid waste.If local authorities find any illegal activities, they will be ordered to clear up solid waste, curb environment risks and find out the sources of the waste.The move came after several cases of illegal solid-waste dumping in areas including Guangxi, Henan and Anhui, which caused harm to the local environments.The MEE made public seven cases of illegal disposal of solid waste in Anhui, Hunan and Chongqing.Tackling pollution is one of the "three tough battles" China aims to win over the next three years.

Starting Jan. 1, 2018, China introduced a new tax -- the environment protection tax – aimed at protecting the environment and cutting pollutant discharge.Companies and public institutions that discharge listed pollutants directly into the environment will pay taxes for producing noise, air and water pollutants as well as solid waste.

China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) held talks on May 11 with seven municipal governments, urging them to take actions against illegal disposal of solid waste.The ministry named and shamed Guangzhou, Jiangmen,Dongguan, Lianyungang, Yancheng, Baotou and Wenling for not doing enough to prevent solid waste pollution.In the case of Guangzhou,the city has failed to properly respond to public complaints, leading to frequent cases of illegal dumping of solid waste and harmful materials, according to the MEE.The watchdog required local authorities to correct the problems, punish those responsible for the pollution and foster a long-term mechanism to address the issue.

Key Features
Gain latest information on policies across the country,regulatory measures
Hazardous waste control measures and disposal situation in various locations
Compliance treatment hazardous waste generated by companies,corporate social responsibility
Various industries hazardous wastes treatment status and market demand? 
How to get new project approval quickly
How to design and build excellent,bankable hazardous waste disposal projects
Find the proper m&a target,investor, economic policy and legal risk
Hazardous waste projects operational excellence management
Domestic and international state-of-the-art hazardous waste technology showcase
Debate challenge and opportunities with investors,funders and advisors
Debate the future of the emerging hazardous waste market with industry Leaders
Take part in robust discussions and share best-practice with senior-level opinion-formers
Network and do business with the leading hazardous waste treatment projects owners in the region
Discover new commercial opportunities in 2019 and beyond

会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)


















