
2016年10月26日 8:00 至 2016年10月28日 18:00 ,中国现场统计学会在 杭州·杭州第一世界大酒店·杭州市萧山区湘湖路92号举办《第十一届国际可靠性、维修性、安全性会议(ICRMS'2016)》,会议大约有500人参加。








ICRMS (International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety)是由中国机械工程学会、中国仪器仪表学会、中国兵工学会、中国宇航学会、中国航空学会、中国现场统计学会以及中国电子学会等七家中国一级学会共同发起的亚太地区历史最悠久的可靠性、维修性、安全性(RMS)国际系列学术会议。自1992年起,ICRMS已成功地举办了十届,学术影响力日趋扩大,为世界各国RMS学者提出了一个有效的交流与展示平台。ICRMS一贯致力于国际间有关RMS理论、方法、技术及应用的交流,对促进RMS的发展,搭建国际RMS学术论坛发挥了重要作用。



介绍:中国航空学会是航空航天(以下通称航空)科学技术工作者自愿结成依法登记成立并经中国科学技术协会接纳的全国性的学术性非盈利法人社会团体。中国航空学会成立于1964年2月。 全国会员代表大会是中国航空学会的最高权力机构。由全国会员代表大会选举产生的理事会是全国会员代表大会闭会期间的领导机构。理事会选举理事长、副理事长、秘书长和常务理事,组成常务理事会。


介绍:中国电子学会(Chinese Institute of Electronics) 是由电子信息界的科技工作者和有关企事业单位自愿结成、依法登记的学术性、非营利性的全国性法人社团,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分,中国电子学会总部是工业和信息化部直属事业单位。中国电子学会于1962年在北京成立,现在拥有个人会员10万余人,团体会员600多个,专业分会44个,工作委员会8个,编委会1个和一个百人的办事机构。30个省、自治区、直辖市设有地方学会组织。中国电子学会的宗旨是团结和动员电子信息科技工作者,遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德贵规范;尊重知识,尊重人才,积极倡导“团结、创新、求实、奉献”的精神,促进电子信息科学技术的繁荣和发展,促进电子信息科学技术的普及和应用,促进电子信息科学技术人才的成长和提高,促进电子信息科学技术与经济的结合,为社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设服务;反映电子信息科技工作者的意见,维护电子信息科技工作者的合法权益,为电子信息科技工作者服务。中国电子学会的主要任务是开展国内外学术、技术交流;开展继续教育和技术培训;普及电子信息科学技术知识,推广电子信息技术应用;编辑出版电子信息科技书刊;开展决策、技术咨询,举办科技展览;研究和推荐电子信息技术标准;接受委托评审电子信息专业人才技术人员技术资格,鉴定和评估电子信息科技成果;发现,培养和举荐人才;奖励优秀电子信息科技工作者。

会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)

会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)

Full Professor
Analisi di Affidabilita’ e Rischio di Componenti e Sistemi Nucleari ed Industriali 

Enrico Zio (BSc in nuclear engng., Politecnico di Milano, 1991; MSc in mechanical engng., UCLA, 1995; PhD, in nuclear engng., Politecnico di Milano, 1995; PhD, in nuclear engng., MIT, 1998) is Director of the Chair in Complex Systems and the Energetic Challenge of the European Foundation for New Energy of Electricite’ de France (EDF) at Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, full professor, President and Rector's delegate of the Alumni Association and past-Director of the Graduate School at Politecnico di Milano, adjunct professor at University of Stavanger. He is the Chairman of the European Safety and Reliability Association ESRA, member of the scientific committee of the Accidental Risks Department of the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, member of the Korean Nuclear society and China Prognostics and Health Management society, and past-Chairman of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Reliability Society. He is serving as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability and as editorial board member in various international scientific journals, among which Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Journal of Risk and Reliability, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Environment, Systems and Engineering, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. He has functioned as Scientific Chairman of three International Conferences and as Associate General Chairman of two others. His research focuses on the characterization and modeling of the failure/repair/maintenance behavior of components, complex systems and critical infrastructures for the study of their reliability, availability, maintainability, prognostics, safety, vulnerability and security, mostly using a computational approach based on advanced Monte Carlo simulation methods, soft computing techniques and optimization heuristics. He is author or co-author of five international books and more than 170 papers on international journals.


Distinguished Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering

 E. A. Elsayed is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University.  He is also the Director of the NSF/ Industry/ University Co-operative Research Center for Quality and Reliability Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of quality and reliability engineering and Production Planning and Control.  He is a co-author of Quality Engineering in Production Systems, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1989.  He is also the author ofReliability Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 1996.  These two books received the 1990 and 1997 IIE Joint Publishers Book-of-the-Year Award respectively. His recent book Reliability Engineering 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2012 received the 2013 Outstanding IIE Publication.

Dr. Elsayed is also a co-author of Analysis and Control of Production Systems, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Edition, 1994.  His research has been funded by the DoD, FAA, NSF and industry.  Dr. Elsayed has been a consultant for AT&T Bell Laboratories, Ingersoll-Rand, Johnson & Johnson, Personal Products, AT&T Communications, BellCore and other companies.  He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IIE Transactions and the Editor of the IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering.  He is Editor-in-Chief of Quality Technology and Quality Management. Dr. Elsayed is also the Editor of the International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering. He serves on the editorial boards of eight journals in different capacities. He served an external evaluator for many undergraduate and graduate programs.

Dr. Elsayed is a frequent keynote speakers in National and International Conferences and is the recipient of many awards including Golomski Award for the outstanding paper, William Mong Distinguished Lecturers Award, David F. Baker Research Award of the Institute of Industrial Engineers for Research Contributions to the discipline of Industrial Engineering, , inducted member of the Russian Academy for Quality, IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) Fellow Award, ASME Fellow, Senior Fulbright Award and the Recipient of 2011 Thomas Alva Edison Award for US Patent 7,115,089 B2.






介绍:杭州第一世界大酒店位于杭州世界休闲博览园内,毗邻湘湖。酒店总建筑面积8万平方米,是中国最大的民营旅游投资集团——宋城集团旗下的五星级酒店。酒店以打造会议服务专家为目标,现已成为长三角最具竞争力的会议度假酒店之一。 酒店环境位置优越,沪杭甬高速公路近在咫尺,至杭州西湖、杭州火车站仅12公里,萧山国际机场、杭州市中心均只需30分钟,距江南历史文化名城绍兴44公里,抵达上海、宁波均需2.5小时。酒店拥有各类客房近600间,东南亚风情的泰香阁餐厅、18个风格迥异的餐饮包厢,以及3个大型团队餐厅可同时容纳3000人用餐。热带雨林游泳池、健身房、桑拿中心、足浴、棋牌、乒乓球室、书吧、桌游吧、游戏室、儿童制作工坊等康娱设施一应俱全。第一世界大酒店是国内首家提出以打造“会议服务专家”为特色的酒店,拥有21间不同风格的会议厅,3个千人会场的强大会议配套,作为连续承办四届杭州中国国际动漫节、两届杭州世界休闲博览会的主要接待酒店,赢得业界多项荣誉:“中国十佳会议会展酒店”【星光】奖、“中国十佳品牌会议酒店【金海豚】奖”以及“中国最佳主题文化酒店【金枕头】奖”等。住第一世界大酒店,游杭州乐园、浪浪浪水公园、烂苹果乐园,看世界三大名秀之一《宋城千古情》,已经成为一种流行休闲模式。
