美国CHI举办《PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会》

2017年3月28日 0:00 至 2017年3月30日 0:00 ,美国CHI在 上海·上海金茂君悦大酒店·浦东新区世纪大道88号举办《PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会》,会议大约有230人参加。


PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会

PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会宣传图

      PEGS China已经跨过四个年头,如今已成为生物医药行业研究员要参加的活动之一。PEGS China将在2017年3月28日至30日再次在上海召开,邀请具有影响力的国际和国内演讲嘉宾来展示未出版的数据和新案例研究,来呈现最新的国际发展项目、行业趋势以及中国生物技术行业的未来发展潜力。


美国CHI Scientific,Inc.自2004年创立以来就致力于打造原代细胞生物制药研发和筛选平台,联合了哈佛医学院,麻州医学院等27家顶级实验室科研力量,开发成功了 1050多种自主研发的高质量的原代细胞类产品并拥有原代细胞试剂盒领域的多项国外专利技术。目前已累积了3000多家优质客户,主要客户包括美国哈佛医 学院、斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学等知名大学附属医院和科研机构,并与美国国家生命科学研究院、美国国家癌症研究院以及辉瑞、默克、强生等20多家美国制药百强企业建立了良好的合作关系,产品畅销欧美市场。


会议活动:世易科技与国内外知名行业协会以及展览公司(ACS、SOCMA、欧洲博闻等)合作,结合CPhI China、CPhI Worldwide、Informex USA、ACS, SupplySide等展会举办各种国际论坛及“请进来、走出去”商务考察团活动。同时举行各种行业360°产业热点会议。

会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)


近年中国在全球生物医药产业中崛起,其真正价值不仅在监管机构的指导体制及审核路径上、在新生物学治疗药物研发成果上也面临考验。2017年3月28日至30日在中国上海举办的第4届PEGS Summit,制药企业高层与意见领袖齐聚一堂,针对创新的创药议程、尖端技术成果、解决问题的最佳实例与学习等主题展开热烈的讨论。


Preliminary Agenda

PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会





Engineering Single-Domain Antibodies for Cancer Therapy

Mitchell Ho, Ph.D., Chief, Antibody Therapy & Senior Investigator, National Institutes of Health


A Novel Platform for Human Antibody Discovery Using Yeast Display Antibody Library

Aichi Zhao, Ph.D., President, R&D, OriMabs, Ltd.

Recombinant Antibody Display Libraries - Design, Construction and Selection

Eunice Zhou, Ph.D., Associate Adjunct Professor, Anesthesia, UC San Francisco


Generation of Humanized Antibody Transgenic Animal (Camouse) for Producing Human Antibody

Liangpeng Ge, Ph.D., Director, Institute of Bingengineering, Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences

New Techniques for in vitro Evolution and Selection of Enzymes

Manfred Konrad, Ph.D., Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Head, Enzyme Biochemistry Laboratory


Case Study
Engineering G-Protein Coupled Receptors for High Production and Efficient Folding In Synthetic Environments

Frank Bernhard, Ph.D., Lab Manager, Biophysical Chemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt

Computationally-Driven Engineering of an Anti-Tumor Antibody

Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Ph.D., Professor, Computer Science, University of Dartmouth


Engineering Anti-VEGFR2 X Anti-PDGFR-Beta Bispecific Antibodies for the Treatment of Cancer and Ophthalmological Diseases

Zhenping Zhu, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Global Biologics R&D, Kadmon Corp, LLC.

Nexmab Antibody-Drug Conjugate for the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Sunbae Lee, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, R&D Center, Alteogen, Inc.

* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。

PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会


近年,蛋白质聚集、粒子、sub-visible particle相关研究变得越来越重要。聚集形成的机制,以及其发展和配方的影响,已成为许多研究与讨论的主题。在本单元中,除了将分享动力学研究成果以深入理解聚集原因,也聚焦提升稳定性和控制聚集的分析及配方策略。



Engineering Single-Domain Antibodies for Cancer Therapy

Mitchell Ho, Ph.D., Chief, Antibody Therapy & Senior Investigator, National Institutes of Health


Determinant Factor for Aggregation and Fragment Formation: Oxidation

Joy Zhou, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Associate Director, DP MST, Shire

Protein Aggregation during Formulation and Drug Product Manufacturing and Mitigation Strategies

Mark Yang Ph.D., Director, Fill Finish Development, BioPharmaceutical Development, Genzyme


Aggregation Analysis at High and Low Concentrations

Jennifer McManus, Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, National University of Ireland Maynooth

How to Optimize Stability of Drug Substance and Drug Product through Integration of Rapid and Sensitive Analytical Tools with Rational Approach to Developability Assessment and Early Formulation Development

Danny Chou, Ph.D., President, Compassion BioSolutions, LLC.

Heavy Chain of Mouse IgM Can Be Cleaved Between CH1 and CH2 Domains by a Protease Present in Serum

Tomasz Klaus, MSc, Research Assistant, Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow


Impact of Product Heterogeneity on Product Biological Activity and Stability in the Context of Bio-therapeutics

Ravish Patel, Ph.D., Scientist, Bioanalytical (Biologics), Analytical Development Lab, EPR Centre for Cancer Research and Bioinformatics Pvt. Ltd. (A Vitane Group of Companies)

Modified Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) as a Viable Vehicle for Biotherapeutic Drugs

Tatyana Mezhebovsky, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, BioFormulations, Sanofi US

* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。

PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会





Multimodal Cancer Therapy - Dynamic Process-Based Immuno-oncology

Bertil Lindmark, M.D., Ph.D., CMO, ASLAN Pharmaceuticals

Rational Combination of Immune-Oncology Agents

Lei Zheng, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Oncology and Surgery, Gastrointestinal Cancer Program, Tumor Immunology Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Versatile Strategy for Controlling the Specificity and Activity of Engineered T Cells

Chan Hyuk Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, KAIST

Applying a High Content Imaging Assay Platform to Elucidate the Mechanism of Actions of Cancer Immunotherapy

Ming Lei, Senior Research Investigator II, Lead Discovery and Optimization, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company


Beyond PD-1: Challenge and Opportunity in Immuno-Oncology

Hongtao Lu, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & CSO, Discovery, Zai Laboratory

Improving the Efficacy of Immuno-Checkpoint Inhibitor through Target Mediated Antibody Recycling and Combination Interventions

Xueming Qian, Ph.D., Chairman & CEO, MabSpace Biosciences

Screening PD1 inhibitors and Beyond

Bo Chen, Ph.D., CEO, Shanghai Junshi

Updates on Alphamab's Molecules in the Clinic Targeting PDl-1 and CTLA-4

Ting Xu, Ph.D., CEO & President, Alphamab

The Design and Development of Novel Biologics for Cancer Immunotherapies

Jinming Gu, Ph.D., Executive Director, Biologics Discovery, Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Novel Bispecific Antibody Technology for Cancer Immunotherapeutics

Chengbin Wu, Ph.D., CEO, Epimab

Amgen's BiTE Bispecific T-Cell Engaging Antibody for Immunotherapy

MingQiang Zhang, Ph.D., Head, R&D, Amgen Asia

Agonist Antibody in Immune-Oncology, in Mono- and Combination Therapies (tentative)

Peter Luo, Ph.D., CEO & Co-Founder, Adagene

* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。

PEGS China 2017 第四届中国蛋白与抗体工程及研发峰会





Multimodal Cancer Therapy - Dynamic Process-Based Immuno-oncology

Bertil Lindmark, M.D., Ph.D., CMO, ASLAN Pharmaceuticals

Rational Combination of Immune-Oncology Agents

Lei Zheng, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Oncology and Gastrointestinal Cancer, Johns Hopkins University


Versatile Strategy for Controlling the Specificity and Activity of Engineered T Cells

Chan Hyuk Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, KAIST

Applying a High Content Imaging Assay Platform to Elucidate the Mechanism of Actions of Cancer Immunotherapy

Ming Lei, Senior Research Investigator II, Lead Discovery and Optimization, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company


Integrated Technology Solutions to Support Biologics Hit to Lead and Beyond

Han Li, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Leads Discovery & Optimization, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Mutational Approaches to Improve the Biophysical Properties of Single Domain Antibodies

Jamshid Tanha, Ph.D., Senior Research Officer, Human Health Therapeutics Portfolio, National Research Council Canada


Effects of Glycosylation on Biological Activities of Therapeutic Antibodies

Shan Chung, Ph.D., Senior Scientist and Group Leader, Bioanalytical Sciences, Genentech

Oxidative Post-Translational Modification - Impact on Stability and Formulation of Protein Therapeutics

Christian Schoeneich, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Kansas Lawrence

Higher Order Structure Analysis of Antibodies by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry

Susumu Uchiyama, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University

Physicochemical and Functional Characterization of Biosimilar Bevacizumab

Ravish Patel, Ph.D., Scientist, Bioanalytical (Biologics), Analytical Development Lab, EPR Centre for Cancer Research and Bioinformatics Pvt. Ltd., India

* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。




Advance Registration Rates until February 17                    CNY6890

Standard Registration Rates after February 17 and onsite           CNY7420

Advance Registration Rates until February 17                      CNY5300

Standard Registration Rates after February 17 and onsite            CNY5830

以上价格均为含税价, 提供正式发票.


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