法国乌德琴爵士二重奏DuOud复兴之旅2018中国巡演 杭州站

2018年5月22日 ,法国乌德琴爵士二重奏DuOud复兴之旅2018中国巡演 杭州站在 MAOLivehouse杭州 精彩上演。









时间:2018年5月22日 (周六)晚20:30

地点:MAO Livehouse 杭州市 上城区 中山南路 77 号 尚城 1157 · 利星 3 楼

票价:预售票 80 双人票 140


DuOud组合由两位乌德琴演奏家组成。一位是出生于突尼斯的音乐家Jean-Pierre Smadija,Smadija发行了多张专辑,2017年1月曾以个人形式参与了“月乐约法国音乐巡演”;另一位则是出生于阿尔及利亚的著名乌德琴演奏家Mehdi Haddab,他通过创建Ekova这个爵士演奏三人组合而闻名。他们将北非的传统技艺与最新的西方科技相融合,创造了一种新的音乐组曲:在非洲音乐的基础上,吸收和改编了当代的音乐风格 --- 碎拍、爵士律动和金属吉他。

DuOud consisits of two oud playing. Tunisian born Jean-Pierre Smaja (aready noted for many albums he issued as Samadj and for his China Solo tour in January 2017), and Algerian born master oud player Mehdi Haddab (know for his work with the acclaimed French based trio, Ekova. Blending their North African heritage with the latest Western technology, the pair builds a musical cycle that looks to their African roots while absorbing and morphing contemporary music styles--berak beats, jazz grooves and metal guitar.

MV DuOud - Get Sexy Get Mad  

DuOud或许是第一支将北非古琴和电子技术融合的乐队,这种充满想象力和自由气息的风格令他们在同时代的乐手中脱颖而出。他们的首张专辑《Wild Serenade》就被提名了BBC音乐大奖的最佳新人奖。

DuOud is maybe the first band to mix the North African lute with electronic technology, they do it sith such an imaginative freedom that sets them apart from their contemporaries; their debut album Wild Serenade saw them nominated for the Best Newcomer Award in the BBC Music Awards.

少年时期的Smadj和Mehdi Haddab经历了90年代的巴黎音乐转型。 他们选择了乌德琴,正如他人选择了自己最爱的点心:充满欣喜,没有惶恐。而他们也真正地成为了现象级的音乐家。在尊重传统乐器的同时,DuOud也进行了许多大胆的尝试,在古典的阿拉伯曲调和个人的作曲中切换自如,在他们的音乐中既能感受到原声乐器的温暖,也能体会到电音所带来的饱和度。多年来,DuOud在舞台上尽力展示自我并努力做到每一个新曲目都能带给乐迷们惊喜。尽管各自的生活和工作会迫使他们分开,但是在乌德琴的世界中离经叛道的“孩子们”又回来了!DuOud正在全力准备新的一张专辑。

Smadj and Mehdi Hadab are also children of the Parisian musical turmoil of the 90's. They have chosen the oud, just like one chooses one's favorite pastru: with and accepted greed, without fear nor complex. And they truly became a phenomenon. Respectfully insolent with the instrument tradition, alteranting 'classical' Arab tunes and personal compositions, warmth of the acoustic instrument and electronic saturation, DuOud burnt the stage during many years and manage to surprise every fans at each new composition. Life and projects teared them apart, but the 'Enfants Terribles' of the oud are back! They now prepare a new album.

DuOud  < Ping Kong >

DuOud的专辑《Ping Kong》发行于2009年,他们的音乐像是徘徊在传统与未来之间,从通俗易懂的随性节拍,到现代感的和谐律动,歌曲所表达的情绪也复杂多变。

“Ping Kong”is released in 2009, On“Ping Kong”, DuOud hovers between traditionand futurism, with varying moods ranging from surf kitsch to contemporary groove.


Thelute-like oud is one of the great acoustic instruments of north Africa and the Middle East, but DuOud have set out to change its image. In their latest Arabic-global-fusion set, the oud is mixed with almost anything, from samples and beats through to guitar, jazz saxophone and the occasional African vocal. Mehdi shows off his rapid-fire playing against Smadj's edgy electronics on Oud Art Corps.


法国乌德琴爵士二重奏 DuOud

复兴之旅  2018 中国巡演

5月16日  北京  DDC黄昏黎明俱乐部

5月17日  沈阳  1905文化创意园1905剧场

5月18日  哈尔滨  哈尔滨大剧院

5月19日  大连  赫兹酒吧

5月22日  杭州  MAO Livehouse

5月24日  福州  唯美客 MAKER LIVE

5月25日  厦门  Real Live

5月26日  深圳  红糖罐 上步店

5月28日  香港  1536 At the East


Fresh French Music ON TOUR

DuOud Revival Tour

May 16  Beijing  DDC Club

May 17  Shenyang  Space 1905

May 18  Harbin Harbin Grand Theater

May 19  Dalian Hertz Bar

May 22  Hangzhou MAO Livehouse

May 24  Fuzhou MAKER LIVE

May 25  Xiamen Real Live

May 26  Shenzhen  Brown Sugar Jar (Shangbu site)

May 28  Hong Kong 1563 At the East
