
2015年1月1日 ,布达佩斯交响乐团新年音乐会(珠海站)在 珠海华发中演大剧院 精彩上演。










布达佩斯交响乐团的音乐总监与首席指挥安德拉什·凯勒曾与詹姆斯· 高威爵士、克里斯托夫· 潘德列茨基、罗贝托·阿巴多、佐尔丹·科齐休、海因兹·霍利格、里昂?波特斯坦以及罗许德兹特温斯基等客座指挥家合作。



作为匈牙利排名第二历史最悠久的乐团,由安德拉什·凯勒带领的布达佩斯交响乐团获得了作为最受敬仰的匈牙利巡回乐团之一的权威地位。近年来,乐团受欧亚各国及美国的邀请远赴出演。乐团在欧洲巡演的过程中好评如潮,他们曾去过莫斯科的克里姆林宫和诺维萨德塞尔维亚犹太教堂,也去过德国的众多城市如柏林、斯图加特、拜罗伊特、科林、海德堡等。乐团曾参加过位于法国南斯的La Folle Journée,并在2012年开始了在亚洲的首秀,他们在广州大剧院献上了新年音乐会的演出。2012年11月结束的西班牙巡演中,乐团的头牌如马克西姆·费多托夫等人也曾以独奏家的身份在舞台上演出并大获成功。


Concerto Budapest is one of the most prestigious orchestras of Hungary and the resident orchestra of the world-famous Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. The predecessor of Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra, the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1907.

The main patron of Concerto Budapest is one of the greatest composers of today, György Kurtág, whose famous student, the founder and leader of the Keller String Quartet, András Keller was appointed to the post of artistic director and chief conductor of the orchestra in 2007 in the year when the orchestra celebrated its 100th birthday. His appointment brought about a major change in the ensemble’s life as the foremost young chamber musicians have joined him.

András Keller, music director and first conductor of the Concerto Budapest engaged a series of popular guest conductors including Sir James Galway, Krzysztof Penderecki, Roberto Abbado, Zoltán Kocsis, Heinz Holliger, Leon Botstein and Gennady Rozhdestvensky.

In the past few years, numerous distinguished foreign artists have played with the ensemble, and some of them such as Vadim Repin, Gidon Kremer, Evgeni Koroliov are regular guest artists of the orchestra.

András Keller’s dedicated artistic leadership is a guarantee for such highly acclaimed musicians, as Isabelle Faust, Kim Kashkashian, Giles Apap, Evelyn Glennie, Anna Vinnitskaya, Juliane Banze, Elisso Virsaladze, Alexander Lonquich, Alexei Lubimov, Khatia Buniatishvili, Boris Berezovsky and Sir James Galway.

As the second oldest Hungarian Symphony Orchestra, Concerto Budapest, led by András Keller, has earned its well-deserved reputation as one of the most respected Hungarian touring orchestra. The ensemble has received several foreign invitations in recent years to different European countries, to Asia and to the USA.

They have earned their goodwill throughout Europe: performed at the Kremlin in Moscow, in the Novi Sad Synagogue in Serbia and had several concerts across Germany: in Berlin, Stuttgart, Bayreuth, Köln, Heidelberg among many others.

The orchestra participated in Tour Festival, also in La Folle Journée in Nantes and in 2012, the Orchestra made its debut in Asia, they performed the New Year Concerts at the Guangzhou Opera House in China.

Leading lights such as Maxim Fedotov have also enjoyed great success as a soloist on the podium of the Concerto Budapest in their Spanish tour, which they completed in November 2012.

In 2015, the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra will be touring in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and Egypt.

艺术总监/指挥 | 安德拉什·凯勒

Artistic Director/ Conductor | András Keller

安德拉什·凯勒作为著名小提琴家、室内乐演奏家和指挥而在全球享有盛誉。他在布达佩斯的李斯特音乐学院求学时与匈牙利现代作曲大师库塔格结缘,并从1978年开始,在世界范围内多次公演库塔格的作品。同时他也与著名钢琴教授福兰斯·拉多斯以及罗马尼亚裔法国小提琴家、指挥家山多尔·维格有过紧密合作。安德拉什·凯勒在1987年组建了凯勒四重奏团,并在全球多地开办过大师班及演奏会。他是艾克斯普罗旺斯音乐节的常驻导师,也是诺福克室内音乐节(Norfolk Chamber Music Festival)和IMS Prussia Cove的常客。




安德拉什·凯勒曾获得过MIDEM古典音乐奖、日本唱片学院大奖、法国查尔斯十字学院大奖、德意志唱片大奖,以及英国皇家爱乐协会奖提名。除了匈牙利功勋艺术家奖、李斯特奖等,他还曾获得爱迪生奖及阿比亚蒂奖。在2004及2010年间,他曾出任帕农哈尔马季节的弓(Arcus Temporum)艺术节的艺术总监。2007年8月出任和匈牙利交响乐团/布达佩斯交响乐团的艺术总监和首席指挥。他也是在2012年6月的第一届国际桑德尔·韦格(Sándor Végh)弦乐四重奏比赛的艺术总监。



András Keller has enjoyed a varied career as soloist, concertmaster and chamber musician at the highest international level. His early studies at the Ferenc Liszt Academy in Budapest led to many collaborations with György Kurtág, whose works he has been premiering and performing worldwide since

1978. He has also enjoyed working intensively with Ferenc Rados and, until his death, Sándor Végh. András Keller founded the Keller String Quartet in 1987, and has since given master classes and concerts throughout the world. He is regular coach at Aix-en-Provence Festival, returning guest of Norfolk Chamber Music Festival and IMS Prussia Cove.

As both chamber musician and soloist, he has appeared in every European country, playing in many prestigious venues and festivals, including Edinburgh, Lucerne, Aldeburgh, Schleswig Holstein and the BBC Proms. Outside Europe, András Keller has been invited to both Carnegie Hall and the Lincoln Center, New York, the Washington Library of Congress and many cities in Japan.

During his career he has worked with world renowned artists including Mstislav Rostropovich, Natalia Gutman, Boris Pergamenschikow, Tabea Zimmerman, Truls Mørk, Zoltán Kocsis, Miklós Perényi, Gidon Kremer, Kim Kashkashian, Evgeni Koroliov, Boris Berezovsky Alexander Lubimov, Juliane Banse, Anna Vinnitskaya, Vadim Repin, Isabelle Faust and Steven Kovacevic.

András Keller has won numerous awards including a MIDEM Classical Award, a Record Academy Award in Japan, the Grand Prix de l’Académie Charles Cros in France, the Caecilia Preis in Belgium, and in 2006/7 the Deutsche Schallplattenpreis, and he received a UK nomination for the Royal Philharmonic Society Award. He also received Edison Award and Premio Abbiati besides Merit Artist of Hungary, Liszt Prize and Bartók-Pásztory Prize. He was the Artistic Director of the Arcus Temporum Festival in Pannonhalma

between 2004-2010, and was appointed Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of Hungarian Symphony Orchestra (Concerto Budapest) in August 2007.

His appointment brought about a major change in the ensemble’s life, and a period of hard work resulting in steady technical and artistic development began and now as the second oldest Hungarian Symphony Orchestra, Concerto Budapest, has earned its well-deserved reputation as one of the most respected Hungarian touring orchestra. He was the founder and the artistic director of International Sándor Végh String Quartet Competition. From 2012, András Keller is head of Chamber Music Department in Liszt Acadelmy of Music.

媒体评论Press Reviews

“一个管弦乐队竟能将斯特拉文斯基的《春之祭》演绎得如此精湛与震撼——只有一处极小的问题,而这个问题在现场演出中又几乎是不可避免的…从一个奇妙的巴松管独奏开始: 那柔和的音调,充满了音乐性!弦乐部分秩序井然, 铜管乐部分有力可靠,激烈的节奏,各音部之间比例的认真斟酌。我们还能要求什么呢?”

"An orchestra that is capable of performing Stravinsky’s Le sacre du printemps with such virtuosity and such a compelling force – with only one minor stumble, almost inevitable in any live production…A fantastic bassoon solo at the beginning: what a soft tone, what musicality! Disciplined strings, a reliable brass section, vigorous rhythms, carefully deliberated sound proportions. What else could we ask for?"

——8 May 2011 Sándor Kovács


“András Keller conducted the orchestra in a way that proved his sensitivity to the colours of the music and revealed different layers of sounds. As a result, the orchestra produced a wide variety of tones and played really elaborately… A superb performance of wonderful, rarely heard music – we had all good reasons to be grateful while listening to Rimsky-Korsakov’s Russian Easter Overture played on Concerto Budapest’s instruments.”

——Kristóf Csengery, 18 March 2011


“The Hungarian Symphonic Orchestra… with the leadership of András Keller play with astounding spirit and passion. Not often we experience orchestra musicians evidently smiling during playing and thus allowing to see the pleasure caused by playing music. We not only saw, but most importantly also heard this joy.„

——希尔德斯海姆汇报 Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, 9 March 2009

“感谢音乐家安德拉什·凯勒(András Keller)与匈牙利最佳交响乐团之一的合作演出,让我们在贝多芬音乐厅里体验到杰出和精益求精的微妙艺术交融。”

“We could experience in the Beethoven Hall the meaning of a sophisticated artistic fellowship, when an ever reforming musician like András Keller plays together with one of the best Hungarian orchestra.”

——斯图加特报 Stuttgarter Zeitung, 4 March 2009


“András Keller has been my best student and colleague for thirty years, and, besides performing outstanding musical pieces, he is the most authentic interpreter of my compositions…I have been following for two years how he has been becoming a conductor and also how the orchestra has developed under his leadership. It may even happen that András Keller will become the best in his generation, or even ‘the’ Hungarian conductor.”

——乔治·库尔塔György Kurtág, 2009
