
2017年10月27日 ,《"流淌的月光"钢琴家吴牧野独奏音乐会》在 山西大剧院 精彩上演。








吴牧野 出生于1985年12月。4岁起开始接触钢琴,5岁登台表演,10岁考入中央音乐学院附小,获得全额奖学金并被保送升入附中。15岁,以第一名的成绩考入法国巴黎国立高等音乐学院钢琴专业,师从西方钢琴史上最伟大钢琴家Franz Liszt的直系血脉传人、法国钢琴正统学派大师Jacques Rouvier学习和深造。2005年,以学院评委会全体一致通过的最佳成绩,以巴黎国立高等音乐学院唯一的“全面人才最佳优秀文凭”毕业。2007年9月,进入巴黎国立高等音乐学院钢琴大师班深造,即博士学位。

2009年获巴黎钢琴界最高级"完美钢琴"演奏家称号,03年获意大利布索尼国际钢琴比赛大奖,最佳观众奖,最佳乐队协奏曲奖。04年,获法国玛格丽特隆国际钢琴比赛大奖,最佳公众奖,05年获法国蓬多瓦兹举行的欧洲国际钢琴比赛大奖。吴牧野超凡脱俗的钢琴表现技巧和音乐表现力赢得欧洲音乐界赞誉,被法国资深媒体《世界报》赞为 欧洲钢琴界的“金手指”,并受邀与欧洲各大艺术节至今...法国《世界报》:“一个令人吃惊的演奏,仿佛把我从混沌中带领到天堂,这是一个什么样的人啊!处处充满了灵感!撞击着心灵!结合着强大的人性情感与信仰!一个来自遥远中国的、年轻的钢琴家吴牧野!他以精神中超然的演奏风格,浪漫派钢琴的经典,是那么辉煌而灿烂,洋溢着自然而高贵的气质!”近年来与中国文化部直属院团中国交响乐团一起频频出访欧洲,美国;被中国文化部表彰,被誉为钢琴典范。

Profile of the pianist -English

Wu Muye was born in December, 1985. He started to learn piano at the age of 4, and he played the first concert on stage at the age of 5. When he was 10 years old, he studied in the primary school attached to Central Conservatory of Music with major of piano, and then became a direct admission student for Central Conservatory of Music attached middle school. At the age of 15, he was enrolled by the piano major of Paris National Superior Music Institution and studied under Mr. Jacques Rouvier who is the French orthodox piano master, and the direct bloodline descendant of the greatest pianist of western history Franz Liszt. In 2005, Wu Muye had the honour to get the “outstanding graduator”diploma for the best result that all the judges agreed with unanimous approval. In September 2007, Wu Muye entered the piano master class of Paris National Superior Music Institution for the further study, and received his Doctor Degree.

In 2009, he received the highest title of Paris piano community “The Highest Perfection of Piano”. In 2003, he won the grand award, the best audience award and the concerto for orchestra award in the 54th Busoni International Piano Contest held in Italy. In 2004, he won the grand award and the best public award in Marguerite Marie-Charlotte Long International Piano Contest held in France. In 2005, he won the gold prize of Pontoise European International Piano Contest. Wu Muye gained the recognition from Europe music field by his extraordinary skills and music expressive ability, and he was praised as the “Golden Fingers” of Europe piano by the French newspaper “le monde”. He also gained acceptance from many music fields and was signed to give performances in different countries all over the world… “le monde” also said, “What an astonishing performance. It seems to bring me to the Heaven from chaos. What kind of magnificent person he is! He is filled with inspiration, brimming with natural and noble temperament!” In the resent years, Wu Muye frequently visited Europe, United State with China National Symphony Orchestra which is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Culture of China. He was commended by the Ministry of Culture of China and praised as the “Role Model of Piano”.

参与主要演出 Wu Muye’s Profile—Major Performances


On Jan 27th of 2014, he was invited by the French government to perform for the historic event named “The Night of China”, which was held at the Grand Palais and celebrating the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.


On May,20th of 2014, he performed the finale at the arts gala of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia.


On July 8th of 2014, he performed Chopin’s “Hero Polonaise”and his self-composed piece《Fate》at the French Embassy for the closing ceremony of Festival Croisements.

2014年10月01日,在北京人民大会堂演奏建国六十五周年《美丽中国 光荣梦想》交响音乐会,三代国家领导人出席。

On Oct 1st of 2014, he performed the symphony concert “Beautiful China Glory Dream” in the Great Hall of the People for the 65th anniversary of the establishment of China, with three generations leaders presenting.


On Oct 19th of 2014, First solo concert was performed by Wu Muye in Shanghai Grand Theatre.


On Nov 12th of 2014, he performed the famous Chinese melody “Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake”in the Great Hall of the People for the states welcome diner, which was held by the President Xi Jinping, for US President Obama’s visit.


On Jun 8th of 2015, he performed self-arranged piece “On the Field of Hope”during the Chinese museum’s day at the Milan Expo, where the Premier Wang Yang attended.


On Jun 23rd of 2015, he performed “On the Field of Hope” and the western famous piano pieces in the Great Hall of the People for the states diner, which was held by the President and the First Lady for the welcome of the Belgian King and Queen’s visit.


On Sep 3rd of 2015, he was invited to perform “Protecting of the Yellow River”during the state diner after the 70 years anti-fascism anniversary of military parade.


On Sep,4th of 2016, he performed “Clair de lune”at the arts gala “Hangzhou, Living Poetry” of the G20 summit in Hangzhou.


On Dec,31st of 2016, Wu Muye performed “Beethoven’s fifth piano concerto, third movement” with the world class conductor Krzysztof Penderecki, encore《My Motherland》.


From Mar. 17th to 24th of 2017, BJAMC signed pianist Wu Muye followed the central government delegation visited Mozambique, Tanzania, and performed in “The Night of Beijing” arts gala, which was held by the Beijing Municipal Government, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mozambique and Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Tanzania. Premiere was held in the Kailai Hotel of the Mozambique’s capital Maputo on the 20th of March. The 2nd stop was in the National Museum of Dar es Salaam (The capital of Tanzania) on the 23rd of March.


On Apr 3rd of 2017, Wu Muye successfully held his piano concerto in the Hamburg Music Hall at the Elbe River.




月光 ---德彪西













《但丁读后感——幻想奏鸣曲》—— 李斯特

《华丽大波兰舞曲》—— 肖邦

《月光 》—— 德彪西


《我的祖国》—— 吴牧野改编

《平湖秋月》—— 吴牧野改编

《保卫黄河》—— 吴牧野改编




Final program will depend on the actual situation

Chopin 12 Etudes

01.In C Major

02.In A Minor

03.In E Major

04.In C Sharp Minor

05.In G Flat Major

06.In E Flat Minor

07.In C Major

08.In F Major

09.In F Minor

10.In A Flat Major

11.In E Flat Major

12.In C Minor

13.《Grande Polonaise brillante》-- Chopin

14.《Après une lecture de Dante --Sonata Fantasy》 --- Liszt

15.《Clair de lune》—Debussy.


《My Motherland》--rearranged by Wu Muye

《Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake》--rearranged by Wu Muye

《Protecting of the Yellow River》--rearranged by Wu Muye


今年适逢中德建交45周年,同时汉堡接棒杭州将于今夏主办举世瞩目的G20峰会。2016年9月4日的中国“杭州G20峰会——最忆是杭州”文艺晚会上,国际著名钢琴大师吴牧野演奏德彪西的《月光》一曲震惊全球。由德中企业家联合会联合(DCUV) 、汉堡品牌学院(Brand Academy)、德国杭州华人华侨联合会、汉堡华人妇女联合会携手举办的“ 从杭州到汉堡,用琴声传递G20旋律,续写杭州篇章”——吴牧野汉堡钢琴独奏音乐会于4月3日晚在汉堡Laeiszhalle音乐厅成功举办, 为汉堡这座美丽的城市奉上了一次高雅的艺术盛宴。







