
2012年11月25日 ,埃尔顿•约翰和他的乐队2012北京演唱会(买一赠一优惠)在 凯迪拉克中心 精彩上演。







 演出时间:2012年11月25日 19:30





万众瞩目,传奇巨星强势登陆中国  乐坛常青树”埃尔顿·约翰,11月25日来京开唱




原名雷金纳德·肯尼思·德怀特,他曾是伦敦音乐界有名的钢琴手。1960年他开始独自登台后,使用了“埃尔顿·约翰”这个艺名,并开始以他独特 的舞台魅力征服一代又一代歌迷。1967年,在他与伯尼·陶平合作之后,埃尔顿·约翰的名字开始响彻音乐界,当年那个音乐神童开始成长为世界级的超级巨 星。1997年,他在戴安娜王妃的葬礼上表演了经典之作《风中之烛》(Candle In The Wind),当时成千上百万的观众通过电视观看了这场令人心碎的表演,那一年《风中之烛》一共卖出3千3百万张,创下了唱片史上的销量纪录。今年,距离上 一次登顶英国音乐专辑榜20年后,埃尔顿·约翰和澳大利亚电子组合Pnau合作的歌曲《早安,夜晚》(Good Morning To The Night)再一次登上榜首,证明时至今日埃尔顿·约翰的影响力仍然无人可及。






1970年代埃尔顿·约翰的单曲《你的歌》(Your Song) 的火爆传播,让全世界都为之疯狂。从1973年到1976年,埃尔顿·约翰共有15首歌曲登上美国公告牌排行榜,其中包括《鳄鱼摇滚》 (Crocodile Rock)、《伯尼与喷气机》(Bennie And The Jet)、《自由费城》(Philadelphia Freedom)、《别伤我心》(Don’t Go Breaking My Heart) 等。同时他连续发行的包括《讨厌的猫》(Honky Chateau)、《再见 黄砖路》(Goodbye Yellow Brick Road) 等七张专辑的热销,也标志着他的音乐也开始在全世界爆炸式传播。

那几年是埃尔顿·约翰标志性音乐事业的开始,他发布的56首歌中有 40首登上了美国公告牌排行榜最热100单曲。巨大的商业成功和广泛的好评,为他带来了6个格莱美奖,4个全英音乐奖,并让他在1994年进入摇滚名人 堂。一连串惊人的歌曲,如:《抱歉最难说出口》(Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word) 、《不要让太阳把我吞没》(Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me) 、《盖伊之歌》(Song For Guy) 等成就了他经久不衰的魅力。他在音乐剧和电影配乐上也为他带来了巨大成功,如《狮子王》的配乐《今夜你能感受到爱吗》(Can You Feel the Love Tonight) 获得了奥斯卡原创音乐奖和第37届格莱美流行音乐最佳男歌手奖。 2008年,他被美国公告牌单曲榜评为音乐史上最成功的男性艺人,这一荣誉是埃尔顿出道至今经久不衰的影响力的最佳见证。






作为史上最伟大的作曲家和歌手,埃尔顿·约翰的现场演出至今仍在世界上广受赞誉。他衣着华丽,保持着早期的表演风格,在舞台上埃尔顿总是穿上最 闪亮的装束,以摇滚先锋的姿态激情演出。他是那么的富有活力,连续不断的在开演唱会,他的歌迷遍布全球,而他的乐队从他出道至今也一直跟随着他。在完成 3000场演唱会后,埃尔顿·约翰还在继续巡演,创造新的记录。除了本次北京演唱会外,埃尔顿·约翰现在正在拉斯维加斯的凯撒大剧院进行他的“百万钢琴秀 演出”,演出常常一票难求。

除音乐之外,埃尔顿·约翰在其他方面也有诸多建树。在1998年,由于他在音乐上的成就和慈善事业,他被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予大英帝国二等 勋位爵士,成为了埃尔顿·约翰爵士。他的慈善事业主要包括埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会——用于预防艾滋病的教育项目和援助患者。他还开展各种演唱会筹集慈善 基金,如1985年在伦敦温布利体育馆召开慈善演唱会,1992年召开纪念皇后乐队主唱演唱会和2007年召开纪念戴安娜王妃演唱会。在2012年纪念伊 丽莎白女王登基60周年的庆典上,他也在成千上万的电视观众前表演节目。

Elton John 2012 Beijing Concert


Venue:MasterCard Center

Price: 280/480/680/980/1280/1680 RMB

Elton John, the enduring legend of rock and roll, will play Beijing’s MasterCard Center for one night only on November 25, 2012, bringing one of the world’s most entertaining live shows to China for the first time in nearly a decade. The ticketing hotline is 400-228-228 (Chinese), 010-8597-9191 (English), via 228.com.cn and sendmetickets.com; and priced at RMB 280/480/680/980/1280/1680. Act fast to secure your seat at the musical performance of the year. This rare appearance in China by one of the true stars of modern music is expected to sell-out in record time.

Elton John’s second visit in China is the latest milestone in a monumental career that has spanned five decades and included some of the greatest moments in musical history. Today, Elton John is established alongside The Beatles, Madonna, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley as one of the top-selling artists in history. Having sold over 250 million records, he was named the most successful male solo artist in The Billboard Hot 100 Top All-Time Artist in 2008, an honor that recognizes his astonishing longevity as a hit performer. Among his peers, Elton John is one of the few international superstars to have remained at the pinnacle of the entertainment industry throughout his incredible career. This year, twenty years since he last topped the album charts in the UK, Elton John returned to number one with 'Good Morning To The Night' - a collaboration with Australian electronic duo Pnau - proving that this British star is as popular today as he has ever been.

As a celebrity icon he has also had a great impact on world culture, most memorably for the version of his classic 'Candle in the Wind' that he performed at the funeral of personal friend Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997. The heartbreaking performance was broadcast to countless millions across the world, and the resulting recording of 'Candle in the Wind '97' has gone on to sell 33 million copies, becoming the number one bestselling single of all time.

The man born Reginald Kenneth Dwight was a renowned pianist on the London music scene of the 1960's before he adopted the stage name Elton John and unleashed his outrageous stage persona on audiences as a solo performer. Following a chance first meeting with lyricist and long term collaborator Bernie Taupin in 1967, the Elton John legend began to take shape, transforming the musical prodigy into a global superstar.

Elton John's pedigree as an all-time great songwriter and recording artist makes him one of the most popular live acts in the world today. Famous for his flamboyant style of dress, his current show retains the spirit of his early performances, in which the singer would take to the stage in a flashy array of costumes, and lead his band with the passion of a rock and roll pioneer.

He is famously energetic and tours extensively, delighting audiences worldwide with an electrifying live show backed by the famous Elton John Band - the same collection of musicians that he has played with since the beginning of his career. After over 3,000 live performances, Elton John is still pushing back boundaries and setting new records. He arrives mid-way through a three year residency at the iconic Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, where he is playing to sold-out audiences with his show The Million Dollar Piano.



