
2014年7月13日 ,夏日狂想—格什温四钢琴重奏音乐会在 苏州文化艺术中心 精彩上演。








演出时间:2014年7月13日 19:30


演出票价:80元 ; 180元 ; 280元 ; 380元 ; 480元


用新意识来修编格什温的作品是格什温四钢琴团的独创。请您试想一下:四位钢琴家一起演奏或一起即兴弹奏格什温的歌曲或管弦乐曲,例如:“蓝色狂想曲(Rhapsody in Blue)”、“一个美国人在巴黎(An American in Paris)” 或“夏日时光(Summertime)”等等,您有听过这样的音乐会吗?还有,修编者都是钢琴重奏团的团员。这个独具一格的钢琴四重奏定会给爱乐听众们带来全新的,令人感动和激动的听觉体验。

The Gershwin Piano Quartet sheds new light on the music of George Gershwin. It features 4 pianists on4 grand pianos, playing, arranging and improvising on some of Gershwin’s most popular songs and orchestral works, such as „Rhapsody in Blue“, „An American in Paris“, and „I Got Rhythm“. The originals are rescored for the unfamiliar combination of 4 pianos by the members of the quartet themselves and make for a novel and exciting listening and viewing experience.

格什温四钢琴重奏团创建于1996 年。发起人是André Desponds 先生。重奏团迄今为止已多次在欧洲各国及南美洲举办音乐会,并应邀赴德国的石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因音乐节(Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival),法国的蒙顿音乐节(Festival de Menton),希腊的雅典音乐节(Athens Festival) 以及巴西圣保罗的巴西莫扎特音乐节(Mozarteo Brasileiro in São Paulo)等著名音乐盛会进行演出。

The Gershwin Piano Quartet was founded by André Desponds in 1996 and has presented its program in Europe, South America, China and the Middle East with great success and to broad critical acclaim. Some of the places where the Quartet has performed include the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival (Germany), the KKL Lucerne (Switzerland), the Festival de Menton (France), and the Athens International Festival (Greece), the Baalbek International

Festival (Lebanon), the Oriental Art Center Shanghai (China) and the Sala São Paulo (Brazil).

重奏团的表演曲目被赋予了新的内涵与诠释。除了格什温的作品,团员们还改编了很多近代重要的作品,如斯特拉温斯基(Igor Stravinsky)的“彼得鲁什卡(Petrushka)”,拉威尔(Maurice Ravel)的“圆舞曲(La Valse)”等等。

In its new program, the quartet does not limit itself solely to the music of Gershwin but also includes important works by some of Gershwin’s contemporaries, namely Igor Stravinsky’s

„Petrushka“ and Maurice Ravel’s „La Valse“.


In this way, the many cross-references between the old world and the new, between classical music and jazz, classical ballet and Broadway theater, become apparent, thus creating a

lively and highly virtuosic concert evening.
