黑白键钢琴系列 美国钢琴家英娜?法利克斯独奏音乐会

2014年12月6日 ,黑白键钢琴系列 美国钢琴家英娜•法利克斯独奏音乐会在 苏州文化艺术中心 精彩上演。






公告:原定于2014-12-06日在苏州文化艺术中心上演的【黑白键钢琴系列 美国钢琴家英娜•法利克斯独奏音乐会】因因艺人英娜·法利克斯怀孕无法演出,因此12月6日演出取消,具体退票退款事宜,请拨打全国客服电话:4006-228-228。给您带来的不便敬请谅解!



Called “adventurous” and “passionate” by The New Yorker, Ukrainian-born, New York City based pianist Inna Faliks has established herself as one of the most passionately committed, exciting and poetic artists of her generation. After her debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at age 15, acclaimed by the Chicago Tribune, she has performed on many of the world’s great stages, with numerous orchestras, in solo appearances, and with conductors

她曾在多个重要比赛中获奖,其中2005年赢得著名的Pro Musicis国际比赛。其它包括希尔顿·海德国际比赛第一名、圣查尔斯国际比赛大奖、意大利 ValTidone国际钢琴比赛第二名、巴尔的摩Peabody音乐学院耶尔·哥顿比赛第一名等。更早期她还曾在肖邦Kosciuszko比赛、菲舍夫室内乐比赛中获得奖项。

She was the winner of many prestigious competitions, including the coveted International Pro Musicis Award 2005. Other prizes include first prizes in Hilton Head International Competition, Grand prize in St. Charles International Competition, 2nd prize in the Val Tidone International Piano Competition, First Prize in the National Federation of Music Clubs Competition, and 1st prize in the Yale Gordon Competition at the Peabody. Earlier competition prizes include winning the Chopin Kosciuszko Competition, MTNA Yamaha National Competition, and Fischoff Chamber Music Competition, among others.


Ms. Faliks is the founder and curator of the LMCC award winning interdisciplinary series Music/Word. Now in its fifth season, Music/Words features live poetry and classical music performances in NYC. During the past three seasons, Faliks produced and performed in two month-long series of Music/Words broadcasts on WFMT radio, a station that frequently features Faliks and highlights her performances. This coming fall, Music/Words collaborates with Poetry Foundation to present a celebratory concert in Chicago.


Ms. Faliks is a featured performer at the Streaming Museum, a global online multimedia arts space; her performance has been selected by BBC to be showcased across the UK in 17 locations.


Ms. Faliks is a Yamaha Artist.
