南京市政府文化消费补贴剧目 张继钢导演·大型原创舞剧《千手观音》

2017年6月29日 ,南京市政府文化消费补贴剧目 张继钢导演·大型原创舞剧《千手观音》在 南京保利大剧院 精彩上演。








1、舞剧简介Ballet Introduction






2、剧情梗概 Synopsis  


Long ago, there was an outbreak of plague in the Dai Kingdom, and even King Huiyuan was not spared. His daughter, the kind-

hearted Third Princess,  was determined to find the magic lotus to save her father’s life. Guided by the Red  Dragonfly, Third Princess crossed many mountains and rivers, and overcame various hardships. She finally found the magic lotus which she had been connected to in body and mind. But when Third Princess saw her kingdom’s people suffering from the plague, she offered them the magic lotus instead.

1) 请命寻莲 A Pledge to Seek the Magic Lotus

我听到了,那是大地的呼唤,我知道,这阳光,也是呼唤。我看见了,那遥远的事。惠远王生病了,他把三公主叫到面前叮嘱道:只有你,能够找到那朵圣洁 的莲花,那莲花,就是你,你有了莲花,能救父王。大公主闻讯,暗派心腹童子尾随,说:“那莲花是我的,我要莲花!”

I can hear the cries of the earth And I know this sunlight cries too I can see those events from long ago… King Huiyuan was ill.He called Third Princess before him and said, Only you can find the holy lotus, for you are the lotus.With it, you can save your father…First Princess had heard those words, and secretly ordered her boy confidant to follow Third Princess.  She said, That lotus is mine,I want it!

2) 长路漫漫 A  Long  Journey


Clouds were drifting,rivers were flowing.Though it was still dark,Third Sister had already  begun her journey.

3)拯 救 饥 民    Save The Hungry people


The Goddess of Mercy answers all prayers, She delivers people from misery. My Buddha! Please tell me, where is the holy lotus? The red dragonfly landed on Third Princess’s shoulder and said," I'll bring you to the holy lotus!”

4)慧心妙悟 Words Of Enlightenment


Who has helped me to open that beautiful window.The trees tell me,Those flying birds tell me,The mountains tell me  and the flowing streams tell me The sun rises, not from the east, nor the west, but from the heart!

5)蜻 蜓 世 界   The World Of Dragonflis


It is a world of dragonflies, Numerous transparent wings are shining with magic light…Pointing his sword to Red Dragonfly, Boy is compelling Red Dragonfly to bring him to that lotus.

6)千 蛇 魅 影   The Snake Dance


From the lake faraway, charming singings are heard…Red Dragonfly guided Boy to the lotus. It turned out that First Princess was holding the lotus. But, strange things then appened…

7)童子归善 The Boy Turned to Good


First Princess loses her eyesight,Infuriated, she has the boy hung in a place where mosquitoes and insects dwell. The Red Dragonfly gloats over The Boy ’s suffering, but Third Princess is merciful…

8)天地之爱 Overwhelming  Love


Do not wake them. They are asleep. Third Princess and Boy had crossed many mountains and rivers, confronted various hardships.yet they still had not found the lotus, Overcome with fatigue they fell asleep. Do not awaken them…

9)降魔祛病 Conquering Evil


In the dim light,King Huiyuan is dying,His final desire is to conquer evil…

10)人莲合一 The Union of Princess and Lotus


The Red Dragonfly said,"Look, the morning sun rises.”The sun that day was beautiful, Its rays warmed all creatures.Under the guidance of the RedDragonfly,Third Princess arrived at Lotus Lake,At last she had found the holy lotus.And the beautiful sun warmed all the earth.

11)苦海慈航 Sailing the Sea of Bitterness


Witnessing the agony of people drowned in the sea of bitterness,Third Princess used the holy lotus to save them without any hesitation...

12)千手千眼 Thousand Hands And Thousand Eyes


The extraordinary Thousand-hand bodhisativa,Is neither you,Nor me,Nor him;The ordinary Thousand-hand bodhisativa,Is in you,In me,In him.With light in one’s heart and with love in one’s heart,Reach out with both hands and spread warmth to everyone!

3、主创简介 Cast Introduction

编剧、 编导:张继钢


Playwright-Director:Zhang  Jigang

Zhang Jigang, the Chief director, is a famous director in contemporary China. He receives the special  subsidies from the State Council. Concurrently, he is the member of the 6th and 7th national committees of China Federation of Literary  and Art Circles, chairman of China Special Art Committee, dance" Century Star" the only winner, known as the" dance community wizards",vice-chairman of China Dancers Association, and vice-chairman of Beijing Dancers Association, in twentieth Century the  Chinese nation dance classics, Monaco International Dance Competition Evaluation Committee, a National first-grade director, the dean of the PLA Art academy, the lifelong chief art director of Taiyuan Dance Troupe. He was deputy director-in-chief of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and executive director-in-chief of the opening and closing ceremonies of  the Beijing Paralympic Games,and the director of large music epic "Renaissance".

