意大利摇滚音乐会盛典LUCIANO LIGABUE 2015年中国站

2015年2月7日 ,意大利摇滚音乐会盛典LUCIANO LIGABUE 2015年中国站在 万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 ) 精彩上演。



万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 )-梦想剧场SREAM HALL(原Q-Hall)






他将会在上海呈现“MONDOVISIONE TOUR – MONDO 2015”表演


20:30 – 22:30

Credit: Chico De Luigi

在过去的几十年中,意大利最著名的摇滚歌手Luciano Ligabue推行了“2015年世界巡演”,下一站即将是中国。欧洲演唱会售票记录的保持者,将在上海浅水湾文化艺术中心进行他的首次中国演唱会。

作为一名歌手,作曲家,电影导演,作家,以及两个儿子的父亲。出世于1960年,Luciano Ligabue正式亮相是在他30岁的时候,发布了第一张专辑,成为了第一个在意大利唱片业历史上最成功推出和证明自己的歌手。自出道以来由于能够直截了当地以摇滚叙述的形式而成名。

在他的艺术载体中,他和他的观众有着无可比拟的关系:他的生活特点是多方面的,从他的第一次巡回演出,历时三年不间断(1990~1993),一共在意大利举办了250个音乐会。在这第一阶段结束他的职业生涯后,他完全改变了他的乐队格局,并且给流行文化带来了深远的影响:1995,Buon Compleanno Elvis这张专辑销售超过一百万册,15个月内最畅销的专辑,其中每首单曲都在意大利电台播放。这个非常时期的印章是另一个活的“拳头性能”,在足球的圣殿(和摇滚音乐),在圣西罗球场,在1997的夏天:一个表明他作为一个一流的合法演员。几乎在同一时间,Ligabue初次登场-超级成功的地以一个作家(短篇小说集stories ‘Fuori e Dentro il Borgo’,在1997出版,获得Elsa Morante 奖),并且作为一个电影导演('radiofreccia,1998年的大片和3 David di Donatello奖章以及2届Nastri d’Argento奖章)。

2010年,Arrivederci, Mostro 这张专辑获得当年最佳畅销专辑之一。2014年十月,Ligabue在美国首次演出了五场令人难以忘记的摇滚音乐会。Ligabue目前在意大利被认为是最伟大的摇滚音乐表演家之一。



He will present the "MONDOVISIONE TOUR – MONDO 2015" in Shangai on February 7th

20:30 -22:30

Credit: Chico De Luigi

The most renowned rock artist in Italy in the last quarter of century, Luciano Ligabue is ready to perform the "MONDOVISIONE TOUR - MONDO 2015"in China. Owner of the European record for tickets sold in just one gig by a single artist, he is coming for a single presentation in Shangai at QSW Culture Center on February 7h.

Singer, songwriter, film director, writer, father of two sons. Born in Correggio in 1960, Luciano Ligabue made his official debut when he was 30 years old, with the album Ligabue, making one of the most successful debuts in the history of the Italian recording industry and proving himself worthy since the beginning thanks to a formula capable of combining a straightforwardly rock attitude with the narrative finesse of a singer-songwriter.

During his artistic carrier, he has developed an unparalleled relationship with his audience: his live activity has been characterized by several achievements, starting from his first tour, which lasted three years non-stop (from 1990 to 1993), with 250 concerts around Italy. At the end of this first phase of his career, Ligabue changed the layout of his band completely and brought forth an album destined to leave a profound trace in popular culture: in 1995, Buon Compleanno Elvis sells over a million copies, remains among the top-selling albums for 15 months and every single one of its tracks is played by the Italian radio stations. The

seal of this extraordinary period is another live "fist performance", in the temple of soccer (and of rock music), of the San Siro Stadium, in the summer of 1997: a show that legitimates him as a high-class performer. Almost at the same time, Ligabue makes his debut - super successful as well - as a writer (with the collection of short stories ‘Fuori e Dentro il Borgo’, published in 1997, winner of the Elsa Morante award) and as a film director (‘Radiofreccia’, blockbuster in 1998 and winner of 3 David di Donatello awards and of 2 Nastri d’Argento awards).

His extra-musical successes are not fortuitous, as confirmed by the further performances, and underline a carrier which still finds in the "live performance experience" its most authentic celebration. In 2005, at the same time as the release of the eight studio album Nome e Cognome, is celebrated, at the Campovolo arena of Reggio Emilia, in the land where Ligabue poetics and aesthetics are deeply rooted, an event which will remain in history: on September 10th, 165.264 people attend the concert that marks "Liga's" return and breaks the European record for tickets sold by a single artist. During the following season, Ligabue reaches a record-breaking share of public by developing an unbelievable tour which takes him to 4 different types of locations (clubs, indoor sport arenas, stadiums and theaters) with 4 different shows, that register a striking series of sold-out: an exception that becomes the rule in the following years.

In 2010 Arrivederci, Mostro! is released, associated, as always, to a series of concerts that allowed him to conquer the Tour dell’Anno award. As an additional treat, on September 5th 2013, the video and the single of the song ‘Il sale della terra’ are released as a sneak-peek of the tenth album “Mondovisione”: the most mature work of an artist able to look the crowd in the eyes, to tell stories about each and every one of us, to write songs that truly resemble "quel vizio che non si vuol smettere mai” ("that bad habit that you would never want to quit").

The album is certified 6 times platinum and it is the best-selling one of the year with 5 heavy rotation singles. The tour is an amazing success all over the country, with 3 phases in the most important Italian stadium. In October 2014, Ligabue performed 5 unforgettable shows in the US for the first time.

For more on Luciano Ligabue please visit
