
2015年4月4日 ,茱莉亚四重奏音乐会在 星海音乐厅 精彩上演。














林以信(Joseph Lin)/小提琴

罗兰·库柏斯(Ronald Copes)/小提琴

罗杰·塔宾(Roger Tapping)/中提琴

乔伊·克罗斯尼克(Joel Krosnick)/大提琴

茱莉亚弦乐四重奏创立于1946年,团员皆为赫赫有名的纽约茱莉亚音乐学院教授,名校中的名师,无可匹敌的组合,在国际乐坛上斐声响誉逾60年,是美国第一大室内乐团,更有“美国室内乐第一家庭”美誉。团员虽经更易却始终遵守创立者罗伯特·曼恩(Robert Mann)与威廉·舒曼(William Schuman)的信条:”要把新作品当作经典名曲来演奏,要把经典名曲当成新作品来演奏。”也因此他们的演奏,无论是哪个时代与风格的作品,从贝多芬、舒伯特、巴尔托克,到卡特、大卫朵夫斯基、巴比特与沃尼克,都能为乐曲注入招牌的音乐特色——清晰的结构、美声、纯净线条,以及共同的目标态度。四重奏至今已经演出超过500首作品,其中包含60余首美国作曲家作品首演,灌录超过百张唱片,是当代录音作品最多的四重奏之一。除了屡屡受邀于卡内基音乐厅、维也纳国家音乐厅、柏林国家音乐厅等演出,唱片更获德国录音评论奖终身成就奖(1993)及格莱美奖终生成就奖(2011)等大奖肯定。

2011年双亲来自台湾的知名小提琴家——林以信(Joseph Lin)荣膺茱莉亚弦乐四重奏第一小提琴手,成为四重奏创团以来第三位第一小提琴手,也是首位亚裔成员。第一小提琴手在四重奏经常需要扮演乐曲起头,责任重大,但由《纽约时报》等乐评赞誉林以信于四重奏的演出:“温暖、灵活度十足;乐音与其他成员相融,但独奏时却挥洒出色,成功为四重奏注入新能量。”足见四重奏在加入新血后的完美传承。2013年中提琴演奏家罗杰·塔宾加盟四重奏。目前四重奏的团员维持传统,皆于茱莉亚音乐学院任教,其中两位团员入团超过14年以上,第二小提琴手库柏斯、大提琴手克罗斯尼克分别在茱莉亚音乐学院担任小提琴系及大提琴系系主任。本次茱莉亚弦乐四重奏将带来海顿与舒伯特的作品,绝对会让挑剔的爱乐者耳朵服服贴贴!

The Juilliard String Quartet, widely known as the quintessential American string quartet, returns in the 2014/15 season to North America's premiere chamber music venues in Cleveland, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Boston, Toronto, Syracuse and Buffalo, as well as their annual two-concert series at Alice Tully Hall in New York. With The Juilliard School, the JSQ begins a new collaboration in China during a spring tour of Asia. Their two tours of Europe include concerts in Spain, France, Switzerland and Germany.

Founded in 1946, the Juilliard String Quartet was the first ensemble to play all six Bartok quartets in the United States, and its performances of Schoenberg's quartets helped establish the works as cornerstones of the modern string quartet literature. The Quartet's recordings of the Bartok and Schoenberg Quartets, as well as those of Debussy, Ravel and Beethoven won Grammy Awards, and in 2011 the Quartet became the first classical music ensemble to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. In 2014 Sony Classical reissued the Quartet's landmark recordings of the first four Elliott Carter String Quartets together with the recently recorded Carter Quartet No. 5, making a complete historical document.

For nearly seven decades, the Quartet has made manifest the credo of its founders to “play new works as if they were established masterpieces and established masterpieces as if they were new.” Working closely with composers on new commissions, last season the JSQ premiered the String Quartet No. 3, “Whereof man cannot speak...” by Jesse Jones, and in the 2015/16 season they will premiere a new work by Richard Wernick. The Quartet’s diverse repertoire for the 2014/15 season includes works by Haydn, Webern, Martinu, Beethoven, Berg, Brahms, Mendelssohn,and Elgar, as well as Schubert's "Death and the Maiden" and Shulamit Ran's Quartet No. 2, "Vistas".

Devoted master teachers, the members of the Juilliard Quartet offer classes and open rehearsals when on tour. At The Juilliard School, where they are the String Quartet in Residence, all are sought-after members of the string and chamber music faculty. Annually in May, they are hosts of the 5-day internationally recognized Juilliard String Quartet Seminar.

In performance, recordings and incomparable work educating and training the major quartets of our time, the Juilliard String Quartet has carried the banner of the United States and The Juilliard School throughout the world.



舒拉米特·然,弦乐四重奏之二 “展望”(1989)

舒伯特,D小调四重奏,D. 810“死神与少女”


Time: 8pm,Saturday, 4th April, 2015  

Venue: Symphony Hall of Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall

Performed by The Juilliard Quartet

Joseph Lin, violin

Ronald Copes, violin

Roger Tapping, viola

Joel Krosnick, cello

Admission:VIP/380/280/180/100(limited 30% discount for students and the elder)


HAYDN: Quartet in G major, Op. 33, No. 5

SHULAMIT RAN: String Quartet No. 2 “Vistas” (1989)

SCHUBERT: Quartet in D minor, D.810 “Death and the Maiden”

