2016中法文化之春 阿维尼翁戏剧节特约《少女,魔鬼和磨坊》

2016年5月20日 至 2016年5月21日 ,2016中法文化之春 阿维尼翁戏剧节特约《少女,魔鬼和磨坊》在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。


2016.05.20 - 2016.05.21






* 建议观演儿童年龄:七岁及以上

* 全剧法语演出、演唱,配中文字幕


改编自格林童话《没有手的女孩》,来自法国的舞台剧《少女,魔鬼和磨坊》由阿维尼翁IN戏剧节的现任执行总监、欧洲艺坛成名已久的剧场导演、演員、作家欧利维耶•皮(Olivier Py)所创作。



The Girl, the Devil and the Mill

Olivier Py

Performance Time: 2016/5/20-21 Fri. 8:00 pm, Sat. 3:00 pm

Performance Venue: Experimental Theatre, Guangzhou Opera House

Price: TBD

* Performance duration 50 mins

* Recommended age: 7+

* Performed and sang in French with Chinese subtitles

The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm spent years gathering the tales and legends of northern Europe, collecting several dozen folk tales and countless different versions, even sometimes changing the story so as to spare bourgeois sensibilities. Olivier Py found in their work the material for plays that would allow him to show young children the mysteries and conventions of “real” theatre, without ever talking down to them.

The Girl, the Devil and the Mill is based on The Girl Without Hands, keeping the same basic narrative structure. It is the story of a naïve father who makes a deal with the devil without realising that it is his daughter he is sacrificing, and who ends up cutting both her hands out of fear of the devil’s revenge. But the young girl flees and begins a journey fraught with perils and chance encounters, with a gardener or with a prince, but also with sleep and waiting. All those ordeals, all those encounters, all those necessary steps before possibly finding happiness allow Olivier Py to bring up numerous questions children often ask themselves without daring to talk about them: questions about death, the devil, love, war, memory, about the relationship between a child and his or her parents… An initiation journey that is never sentimental, The Girl, the Devil and the Mill is also a musical that speaks to the child in every one of us.

Very simple by design, it oscillates between naivety and gravity, and ends with a ray of hope.
