音乐后花园 致海阔天空 美国Metro阿卡贝拉组合

2016年7月15日 至 2016年7月16日 ,音乐后花园 致海阔天空 美国Metro阿卡贝拉组合在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。


2016.07.15 - 2016.07.16









被誉为当代顶尖阿卡贝拉人声乐团的Metro Vocal Group旋风般横扫乐坛,以精致完美的和声、与十足舞台魅力征服了国内外的观众。他们令人惊艳的中、英文演唱曲目涵盖各种类型的曲风,从放克到摇滚,从爵士到流行。就如同评论所述,他们如摇滚乐团声浪般的歌声,在每场演出都深深打动观众的心。这个由四个男声所组合的团体,藉由美好的歌声紧扣着彼此的心,让爱没有距离。

由于成员皆具有扎实的古典背景,亲自为不同歌曲重新谱写编曲成为纯人声演唱形式,为许许多多的音乐注入全新的生命力,往往令乐迷有焕然一新的感觉。在17年的历程中,他们的音乐作品在优酷和You Tube上的点击率超过2000万,开创了这一领域的新纪元。

由于Metro驻扎在香港已经将近十年,深刻体验出东方文化及语言风俗,并在多年的努力研究华语歌曲的演唱之下,因以无伴奏人声的方式重新演绎香港传奇乐团Beyond的经典名曲《海阔天空》而走红,并发行首张由美国人灌录的全中文CD《无国界No Borders》。在音乐会上,Metro以纯美声将东西方多首经典流行歌曲透过巧妙的穿插与安排,使得他们所到之处都吸引到许多的歌迷,特别是给年轻学生族群相当大的震撼,这是因为Metro将精致的人声演唱,藉由流行歌曲强大的传播力量,颠覆了一般流行音乐的“俗艳”,打破了各式音乐形式的界线,让音乐的真善美完全显露,直接感染人们的内心,体验到音乐的欢乐与感动。也由于Metro在华语歌曲上面的成就,使的他们兴起了使命感,致力于成为东西方文化交流之大使,期望将更多美好的华语音乐传唱到世界各地。






Music Garden Tribute to FIGHT FOR DREAM by Metro Vocal Group

Time: 2016/7/15 (Fri.) 8 p.m.

2016/7/16 (Sat.) 3 p.m.

Venue: Experimental Theatre

Price: 80 180 280

*Performance duration: 90 minutes ( intermission included)

Hailed as China’s top a cappella group, Metro is taking the musical world by storm. Their electrifying Chinese and English rep covers every genre from Funk to Rock, Jazz to Pop. At every concert they hit audiences with, what critics have described as, a “wall of sound.” This four-man vocal group is quickly becoming the leader of contemporary a cappella in Asia. With a career spanning 17 years and over 20 million views on Youku and YouTube worldwide, Metro is reigning in a new era of sound.

Metro started their career in 1998 singing aboard several ships with Celebrity Cruises. After four years with the fleet, they moved to Tokyo, Japan and performed for Tokyo Disney Sea in the American Waterfront. Their reputation for being exceptional entertainers caught the attention of the directors of Hong Kong Disneyland and in 2005, they were asked to open the park. After two years with the company, Metro made the decision to enter the mainstream music industry and they have never looked back. Since that time, Metro has discovered an entirely different variety of Cantonese and Mandarin music from the last 50 years and now performs some of China’s most beloved songs as well as their own compositions. After recording two trendsetting albums, in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, Metro has established themselves as powerful artists in the Asian music market.

They recorded their first Cantonese music video, My Pride, in 2009 and the response was overwhelming. Shortly after, in 2010, Metro recorded Beyond’s famous rock ballad, Under A Vast Sky, making them a household name in Asian communities around the world. Metro currently makes their home in Hong Kong, China.


Kevin Thornton—Tenor/ Vocal percussion

Sean Oliver—Tenor/ Vocalist

Eric Monson—Baritone

Mike Lance—Bass/ Vocal percussion:


Wake Up—Anthony Neely

Find Myself—David Zee Tao

What makes me meet such you—An Bai


Inside the Skyline—Metro Original Song

Stitches—Shawn Mendes

Devil Woman—Metro Original Song

Treasure—Bruno Mars

William Tell Overture—Rossini


Long Cool Woman—The Hollies

Happy—Pharrell WIlliams

Honorable Years—Beyond

Julia—Leehom Wang

The Moon Represents My Heart—Theresa Teng

Love is Suspected—Eason Chan

*Interaction of Vocal Percussion

The Hottest Ethnic Trend—Phoenix Legend

Change Myself—Leehom Wang

Under A Vast Sky—Beyond



Wake Up 原唱:倪安东

找自己 原唱:陶喆

是什么让我遇见这样的你 原唱:白安

Classic 原唱:MKTO

Inside the Skyline Metro原创歌曲

Stitches 原唱:Shawn Mendes

Devil Woman Metro原创歌曲

Treasure 原唱:Bruno Mars

《威廉•退尔》序曲 原作曲:罗西尼


Long Cool Woman 原唱:The Hollies

Happy 原唱:Pharrell Williams

光辉岁月 原唱:Beyond

Julia 原唱:王力宏

月亮代表我的心 原唱:邓丽君

爱是怀疑 原唱:陈奕迅


最炫民族风 原唱:凤凰传奇

改变自己 原唱:王力宏

海阔天空 原唱:Beyond

